Make Your Asian Cuisines with Infused Olive Oil: Fresh Ideas and Expert Tips

Asian cuisine is renowned for its vibrant flavors and diverse ingredients. From the fiery curries of Thailand to the delicate sushi of Japan, there’s a rich tapestry of dishes to explore. Incorporating infused olive oil into Asian cooking might not be traditional, but it's an innovative way to add a new layer of flavor to these beloved dishes. In this blog, we will dive into some unique ideas and expert advice for using infused olive oils to add a twist to Asian recipes, enriching traditional flavors with a touch of the Mediterranean.

Innovative Recipes Using Infused Olive Oil

  1. Ginger Infused Olive Oil in Stir-Fry
    Elevate your stir-fry dishes by introducing ginger infused olive oil. Use it to sauté vegetables and meats, adding a warm, spicy undertone that complements soy sauce and sesame oil. This fusion not only enhances flavor but also adds an aromatic lift that’s perfect for quick weeknight dinners.

  2. Basil Infused Olive Oil with Thai Green Curry
    Add a drizzle of basil infused olive oil to a Thai green curry to intensify the herbal notes. The sweetness of the basil oil pairs well with the spiciness of the curry, providing a complex flavor profile that enhances the fresh ingredients like lemongrass, galangal, and coconut milk.

  3. Sesame Infused Olive Oil for Korean BBQ
    Korean BBQ can be transformed with a splash of sesame infused olive oil used in marinades or as a finishing oil. It deepens the nutty flavor while adding a hint of the Mediterranean, which complements the savory taste of grilled meats.

  4. Citrus Infused Olive Oil on Sushi
    Break the norm by lightly brushing citrus infused olive oil over nigiri or sashimi. The subtle citrus notes can brighten the fish's natural flavors, offering a fresh, zesty twist that enhances the overall sushi experience without overpowering the delicate seafood.

Beyond the Main Course

  1. Salad Dressings and Dips
    Use lemongrass infused olive oil to create unique dressings for Asian-style salads or as a base for dips. Mix with rice vinegar, a touch of honey, and some chili flakes for a dressing that’s both aromatic and with a punchy kick, perfect for drizzling over a papaya salad or cold noodle dishes.

  2. Infused Olive Oil in Desserts
    Experiment with mild, sweet-infused olive oils, like orange or almond, in Asian desserts. Incorporate them into mochi dough or drizzle over shaved ice (bao bing) for a subtle, fragrant enhancement that's unexpected and delightful.

Expert Tips for Using Infused Olive Oils in Asian Cooking

  • Heat Sensitivity: Infused olive oils are best added towards the end of cooking or in low-heat applications to preserve their flavors.
  • Balancing Flavors: Asian cuisine is all about balance. Start with less oil and add more as needed, tasting as you go to ensure the flavors harmonize well.
  • Quality Matters: Choose high-quality extra virgin olive oil as a base for infusions to ensure the best taste and health benefits.


While not traditional, using infused olive oils in Asian cooking is an exciting way to add new flavors and dimensions to classic dishes. Whether enhancing a stir-fry with ginger olive oil or giving sushi a twist with citrus olive oil, these combinations can open up a new realm of culinary possibilities. By incorporating these tips and recipes into your cooking, you’ll bring a creative and delicious fusion to the table that’s sure to impress. Remember, the key to success lies in balancing the potent flavors thoughtfully and embracing the fusion of culinary traditions.